Frozen Pipes – Winter’s Familiar Friend

Frozen pipes in MichiganEvery winter season, the pipes in your home are at risk of damage from freezing conditions. Burst pipes in winter are a common problem, as water freezes within the pipes and expands about 10 percent in volume. This pressure can easily cause a rupture. This rupture then can cause a whole slew of problems that are best handled by a certified contractor who can get to the core of the issue quickly and efficiently. That is where DBC Company comes in. Our team is trained and specializes in water restoration and will have your home back in tip-top shape in no time.

Frozen / Burst Pipes

If a Pipe Freezes

*If a faucet or pipe inside your house freezes, you can thaw it using a good hair dryer. (For safety purposes, avoid operating a hair dryer around standing water.)

*To thaw frozen pipes, heat water on the stove, soak towels in the hot water and wrap them around cold sections of the pipes.

*When thawing a pipe, start thawing it nearest to the faucet. Make sure the faucet is turned on so that melted water can drip out.

If a Pipe Bursts

*Shut off water at the main valve.

*If the break is in a hot water pipe, the valve on top of the water heater should be closed.

*Call a DBC Company! Our immediate response team will be out in no time to begin water mitigation procedures for your home.

As with any water damage scenario, the excess water will need to be removed and any and all areas affected by the spill will need to be thoroughly dried out. This prevents further damage to the structure as well as heading off the appearance of mold.  The burst pipe will need to be repaired by replacing the damaged section with new piping and the appropriate fittings and seals. The repair will need to be tested for stability by a water restoration professional before the water is actually turned back on. Burst pipe repair is almost always best left to the professionals since they will have the experience, techniques, and equipment necessary to correct the problem without risking further damage to the home.

Rain or Shine, Sleet or Snow, DBC Company is always on the go! Our staff of emergency responders are available to answer your call and mobilize 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Call 1-877-598-9600 today and let our technicians give you some peace of mind.

Dave Malkiewicz
DBC Company, Inc.

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